Potential Energy

Using the power of creativity to motivate urgent, collective action on climate change

Potential Energy is an ambitious new nonprofit that brings the top talent from the advertising and marketing world to the climate change effort. Founded by John Marshall of Lippincott and Dan Schrag of Harvard University, Potential Energy has spent the last several months standing up its operations and piloting messages 

and creative content in the field. It has built a team of 14 experienced marketers, analytics professionals, and technologists as well as a cadre of pro bono professionals. 

Compared to other social challenges, change in public attitude on climate has been dangerously slow. It is unlikely that we will make significant progress on policy change without strong public support and momentum. Therefore, Potential Energy aims to solve the lack of public will and engagement by getting to the heart of how we get people to care about climate change and then act on it. 

Potential Energy’s two overarching goals are to permanently change the narrative on climate change and dramatically expand the number of citizens demanding immediate government action. It will accomplish this by creating powerful creative campaigns that deploy the most advanced data-driven marketing and media capabilities to visualize and reframe the issue. 

Website: www.potentialenergycoalition.org 


Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy
