Gulf Coast Center for Law and Policy

GCCLP advances structural shifts toward ecological equity and climate justice in Gulf South communities of color on the frontlines of climate change. Gulf South communities in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida are targeted by extractive industries, including energy, petrochemical, and prison industries. To combat these threats, GCCLP has anchored a number of crucial programs, including Gulf South for a Green New Deal, a regional approach to regenerative economic policy, and Just Transition Lawyering which trains lawyers looking to align their law practice with the values and demands of Just Transition. As one of the leading partners behind the Red, Black, and Green New Deal, GCCLP advocates for tackling fossil fuel racism as a key way to address the multiple crises and injustices faced by communities along the Gulf Coast. GCCLP is a national leader in fighting for Just Recoveries after environmental disasters, including heading class action climate lawsuits to make fossil fuel companies pay for the environmental and economic damage they cause. Their lawsuit against BP Oil after the 2011 disaster recovered more than $1 million in claims once denied to the region’s poorest claimants.



Soil Generation


Potential Energy